“காத்திடுவாள் ஆத்தாள் காற்றாகி”
“Goddess Karumari protects us as the wind”
Morning Opening Hours | सुबह का समय | ਸਵੇਰ ਦਾ ਸਮਾਂ | காலை
9:00 AM to 1:30 PM | Aarthi / Pooja Time: 10:00 AM & 12:00 PM
Evening Opening Hours | शाम का समय | ਸ਼ਾਮ ਦਾ ਸਮਾਂ | மாலை
5:30 PM to 8:30 PM | Aarthi / Pooja Time: 7:00 PM
Open Now
On Pradosha days, the temple will open at 5:00 PM in the evening. On special days, the temple opening time may vary.


Archana is a special, personal, abbreviated puja done by temple priests in which the name, birth star and family lineage of a devotee are recited to invoke individual guidance and blessings. Archana also refers to chanting the names of the Deity, which is a central part of every puja. The Sanskrit meaning is “honouring, praising.”

Normal Archanai on any devotee is cost of $10.00

Type of Archanas

Basic archanai by flower chanting mantra.It can be performed to any godNormal archanai
Chanting manthira by 108 name,it can be performed to  any god namesAstotra nama archanai
Graha PravesamIncluded(Ganesh/luxmi/ navagraka)
Chanting manthira by 1008 names,it can be performed to any godSakasgra nama Archanai
Normally this can be performed with milk abisegam and chanting manthira by Kumkuma,purpose of kumkuma archanai  for Sumangali to get married,money purposeKumkuma Archanai
Mostly it is performed on born natsathira.This is performed with any abisegam.Genma Natsathira Archanai
Get blessing new things.(key,ring,books, wedding cards)New things
This is performed for pithurusMotsa Archanai/Pithuru Archana
Chanting manthira by coin to God MathaSuvarna pushpa archanai